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The Dirt | A message from our Executive Director

Dear Benton SWCD colleagues and friends,

As many of you know, early next year I’ll be stepping down from my role as Executive Director at Benton Soil and Water Conservation District.  After 12 years at the helm of this wonderful organization, the time is right to pass the torch to a new ED that will lead the District into its next chapter.  I hesitate to say “I’m retiring” because that doesn’t seem to adequately capture the vision of my own Next Chapter!

My decision comes with a mixture of joy and wistfulness.  I’m excited about an opportunity to explore passions that have been on the back burner since I accepted the position back in 2012.  I look forward to having more time to spend with family, including my 95-year-old dad.  Yet it will be hard to say goodbye to so many of you that I have thoroughly enjoyed working with over the years.  We have a truly amazing conservation community here in Benton County and the Willamette Valley.

Since I haven’t been able to touch base about this decision with everyone (apologies to those I haven’t yet spoken with personally), I wanted to send out this public announcement prior to next week’s formal Executive Director recruitment announcement. 

We are working with a well-respected HR management firm in Salem, Cascade Employers Association (CEA), that specializes in executive level recruitment and talent acquisition.  CEA is working closely with our Board committee to hire a forward-looking leader and skilled conservation advocate that will build upon our strengths and ensure that the District will continue to thrive well into the future.  The recruitment announcement will be posted on our website next Tuesday, October 15th.  Feel free to pass along the announcement to your networks.

I will remain Executive Director for the next few months, until approximately mid-January 2025.  I’m committed to a smooth leadership transition and have accepted the Board’s request that I stay on in an advisory capacity for a month or two after the new Executive Director has been hired.  I will send a farewell letter as that time gets closer.

Thank you all for your enduring dedication to Benton SWCD and your inspiring conservation efforts in our community. 



Holly Crosson

Benton Soil and Water Conservation District

Executive Director