Donna Schmitz

Donna has over 30 years of experience in natural resource management. In her current position, Donna provides natural resource technical assistance to Benton County landowners who seek solutions to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality and wildlife habitat and assists them in finding funding sources to help pay for conservation work. Prior to her work with the Benton SWCD, she was Project Manager of a large watershed scale research project conducted through the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, monitoring the effects of agricultural nutrient and pest management practices on water quality in Iowa. Past projects included conducting hydrologic analysis of storm water and developing storm water storage and soil erosion control plans for proposed urban development. With the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Donna evaluated highly erodible land and developed conservation plans for federal farm program participants. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay, South America teaching agro-forestry concepts at an agricultural school. She has a B.S. in Forest Management.
Contact Donna about:
- Water quality and quantity concerns
- Surface and groundwater concerns
- Erosion control
- Wildlife habitat restoration
- Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
- Pasture and manure management
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) grants
- Landowner grants
- Forestry and Agroforestry
- Aerial photos, GIS images, taxlot maps, etc.