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Western Trillium | Trillium ovatum

 Elegant white three-petaled flowers that fade to reddish purple. Some color morphs are deep red to magenta. Plants take 4-7 years to bloom, but the showy flowers are worth the wait! Also known as "Wake Robin" due to its unofficial designation as the harbinger of spring. They usually do well in shaded to partly shaded, moist woodland gardens, or even just moist (but well drained) areas on the north or east side of houses, provided that the soil is rich in organic matter and slightly acidic Blooms February to June.


Plant Details

HabitatsRiparian Forests, Bottomland Forests, Mixed Hardwood-Conifer Forest or Woodland
Mature Height6" to 2'
Shade Preferencepart sun
Soil ToleranceMoist, rich soil
Special UsesOrnamental