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Willamette Ponderosa Pine | Pinus ponderosa


Also known as western yellow pine, this conifer has a cinnamon brown furrowed bark that resembles jigsaw puzzle shapes and smells like vanilla on a warm day. It has long needles (this is a 3-needled pine species) and pokey cones. Popular for its straight growth habit and resilience to extreme weather. Native pine species in the Willamette Valley.

Plant Details

HabitatsMontane Mixed Conifer Forests
Habitat NotesWhen planting, provide ample space for branch spread and a deep root system
PhenologyCones mature in August
Mature HeightUp to 228 ft
Shade PreferenceFull sun
Soil ToleranceWell-drained soils
Special UsesProvides wildlife forage, cover and food; Grown for timber production; Deer resistant (protect when young)